THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY MARCH 29TH: The Aries Sun continues to illuminate our mental brilliance, and both our wounds and desires, as he travels with Chiron the healer, and Venus. Meanwhile the Libra Moon begins her waning journey after yesterday’s Full Moon, inspiring us to begin releasing relationship patterns that are standing in the way of our fulfillment.

The Libra Moon is a social butterfly today, taking meetings with a number of planets to inspire us to seek balance in our thinking and in our patterns of communication as we attend to our dreams, especially those involving partnership. At 2:01 PM EDT the Libra Moon harmonizes beautifully with mighty Jupiter to expand our thinking and our social parameters and collaborations in lovely ways. Late tonight Mercury in visionary Pisces merges forces with Neptune the dreamer to awaken our crystalline visions. This night belongs to the beauty of our dreams. Take note of them.

ARIES: The Aries Sun, Venus and Chiron keep the healing light on your sector of self, inspiring a new capacity to love yourself. Meanwhile the Libra Moon begins her waning journey through your partnership sector, inspiring the release of outworn, unbalanced relationship patterns.  At 2:01 PM EDT, the Libra Moon harmonizes with mighty Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring a big beautiful expansion of your social life and partnerships that arise from it.  Late tonight Mercury in Pisces merges forces with visionary Neptune, to awaken your most inspired dreams and open your mind to an influx of Divine Consciousness.

TAURUS: The Aries Sun, Venus and Chiron keep the healing light on your spiritual sector where Divine Light is healing your soul and your attachment patterns. Meanwhile the Libra Moon begins her waning journey through your work and health sector, inspiring the release of outworn patterns that foster your bliss and balance.  At 2:01 PM EDT, the Libra Moon harmonizes with mighty Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring big opportunities for professional and social success. Late tonight Mercury in Pisces merges forces with visionary Neptune, awakening you to a gorgeous vision to manifest with friends and allies.

GEMINI: The Aries Sun, Venus and Chiron keep the healing light on your social life and patterns within it that are ready with some effort to heal. Meanwhile the Libra Moon begins her waning journey through your creative sector, inspiring the release of creative blocks and heartaches that stand in the way of your emerging bliss. At 2:01 PM EDT, the Libra Moon harmonizes with mighty Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring a big.beautiful expansion of your social life. Say yes to opportunities! Late tonight Mercury in Pisces merges forces with visionary Neptune, awakening you to crystalize dreams of gorgeous upcoming success.

CANCER: The Aries Sun, Venus and Chiron keep the healing light on your public life and professional success. Meanwhile the Libra Moon begins her waning journey through your home sector, inspiring the release of ancestral relationship patterns that you are evolving out of. At 2:01 PM EDT, the Libra Moon harmonizes with mighty Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring a beautiful leap in your deep inner liberation and capacity to profit from wonderful mergers. Late tonight Mercury in Pisces merges forces with visionary Neptune, to deepen your faith and the gorgeous vision that flows from the Higher Mind to you.

LEO: The Aries Sun, Venus and Chiron keep the healing light on your thinking, desires and belief systems. Meanwhile the Libra Moon begins her waning journey through your sector of thought and communication, inspiring the release of mental and emotional patterns that stand in the way of your mental peace, poise and power. At 2:01 PM EDT, the Libra Moon harmonizes with mighty Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring you to advance big beautiful partnerships that are presenting themselves. Late tonight Mercury in Pisces merges forces with visionary Neptune, to awaken your deepest and most inspiring dreams.

VIRGO: The Aries Sun, Venus and Chiron keep the healing light on the depths of your psyche where gorgeous empowerment is occurring. Meanwhile the Libra Moon begins her waning journey through your fiscal sector, inspiring the release of  relationship patterns and fiscal patterns that stand in the way of your prosperity. At 2:01 PM EDT, the Libra Moon harmonizes with mighty Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring big beautiful opportunities for expansive partnerships at work. Late tonight Mercury in Pisces merges forces with visionary Neptune, to awaken you to gorgeous crystaline visions for Divine and earthly partnership.

LIBRA: The Aries Sun, Venus and Chiron keep the healing light on your partnership sector, where love and healing compassion are the name of the game. Meanwhile the Libra Moon begins her waning journey through your sector of self, inspiring the release of  self concepts that no longer serve you. Embrace the truth of your Beauty instead. At 2:01 PM EDT, the Libra Moon harmonizes with mighty Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring big beautiful creative opportunities. Late tonight Mercury in Pisces merges forces with visionary Neptune, to heal your body, mind and spirit with Higher Love and Infinite Compassion.

SCORPIO: The Aries Sun, Venus and Chiron keep the healing light on your work life and your body, mind and relationship to your true desires. Meanwhile the Libra Moon begins her waning journey through your spiritual sector, where Higher Love assists you in releasing all that keeps you unbalanced. At 2:01 PM EDT, the Libra Moon harmonizes with mighty Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring a big expansion on the home front that may come through friends and friendly support. Late tonight Mercury in Pisces merges forces with visionary Neptune, awakening your gorgeous creative vision, that it is time to act on.

SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Sun, Venus and Chiron keep the healing light on your creativity and your heart where beautiful healing is underway. Meanwhile the Libra Moon begins her waning journey through your social sector, inspiring the release of social patterns that have been unbalanced or unfair to you or others.  At 2:01 PM EDT, the Libra Moon harmonizes with mighty Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring a big, brilliant expansion of your thinking, within partnerships. Late tonight Mercury in Pisces merges forces with visionary Neptune, to send you dreams and blessings from your ancestors.

CAPRICORN: The Aries Sun, Venus and Chiron keep the healing light on your home life and ancestral patterns. Meanwhile the Libra Moon begins her waning journey through your career sector, inspiring the release of patterns and relationships that stand in the way of your beautiful success. At 2:01 PM EDT, the Libra Moon harmonizes with mighty Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring big financial opportunities that may come through friends. Act on them. Late tonight Mercury in Pisces merges forces with visionary Neptune, in your mind where crystalline visions release their sparkling splendor.

AQUARIUS: The Aries Sun, Venus and Chiron keep the healing light on your mind and your communication patterns where new patterns of thought heal your mind. Meanwhile the Libra Moon begins her waning journey through your philosophical sector, inspiring the release of  ideas and beliefs that no longer serve you. At 2:01 PM EDT, the Libra Moon harmonizes with mighty Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring a big beautiful leap within your sense of self and your like minded community. Late tonight Mercury in Pisces merges forces with visionary Neptune, inspiring a gorgeous vision from which you may truly profit.

PISCES: The Aries Sun, Venus and Chiron keep the healing light on your self worth and your relationship to prosperity where healing is underway. Meanwhile the Libra Moon begins her waning journey through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, inspiring the release of deep inner patterns that stand in the way of blissful mergers.  At 2:01 PM EDT, the Libra Moon harmonizes with mighty Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring big beautiful opportunities to create your vision with like minded community. Late tonight Mercury in Pisces merges forces with visionary Neptune, awakening you to your own sacredness and the dreams you were born to live and manifest.