THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY MARCH 6TH: The Sagittarius Moon goes void this morning at 4:44 AM EST and remains void all day till 9:20 PM EST tonight. It’s a gorgeous day to let the day unfold, while finding the flow and going with it. It’s a great day to reflect on ideas, beliefs and story’s we tell ourselves that we are ready to release as we cultivate ideas and beliefs that empower us. It’s a stellar day to nurture ourselves with all forms of wisdom as we rewrite the story of our life, casting ourselves as the hero or heroine of our personal saga. It’s a beautiful day to remember how far you have come on your journey, and how much you have already achieved and conquered as you prepare to turn the page.

Tonight at 9:20 PM EST Luna glides into Capricorn to nurture our executive consciousness.

ARIES: The Sagittarius Moon goes void in your philosophical sector at 4:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of reflection rather than decisive action regarding ideas, beliefs and travel plans. It’s a great day to let your mind wander like a mustang cantering through new fields and meadows, exploring this ideas and that new territory. Nourish your mind with truth and ideas or travel possibilities that excite and delight you. Take the pressure off today.

TAURUS: The Sagittarius Moon goes void in your sector of emotional depths and mergers at 4:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of deep reflection rather than decisive action regarding your emotional patterns and the core beliefs they are based on. It’s an excellent day to scrutinize those beliefs to see if they are based on liberating truths or binding falsehoods. Release what is false. Embrace what is true. Pursue what empowers you and leads you to your bliss.

GEMINI: The Sagittarius Moon goes void in your partnership sector at 4:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of reflection rather than decisive action regarding your committed relationships. It’s a great day to enjoy going with the flow with partners. Take the pressure off as you enjoy simply being together. Make space to reflect on your feelings about partnerships and your patterns within them. Commit to patterns that support your happiness and empowerment within relationships.

CANCER: The Sagittarius Moon goes void in your work and health sector at 4:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of reflection rather than decisive action regarding your daily routines, work projects, and health practices. It’s a stellar day for all forms of housekeeping and stocking up on healthy nutritious food. Get started with early spring cleaning and decluttering. When in doubt, throw it out. 

LEO: The Sagittarius Moon goes void in your creative sector at 4:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of reflection rather than decisive action regarding your creative and romantic life. It’s a stellar day for creative puttering while feeding yourself the inspiration that nurtures your inner artist and inner child. Find the creative flow, and go with it. Travel with your muses through the day.

VIRGO: The Sagittarius Moon goes void in your home sector at 4:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of reflection rather than decisive action regarding home and family. It’s a great day for all forms of nesting and early spring cleaning. Release ancestral patterns that no longer serve you, as you release actual clutter and stale energy.  Invite the energy of spring into your home and into your family life. Spring is almost here. Prepare your home for the new season.

LIBRA: The Sagittarius Moon goes void in your sector of mind at 4:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of quiet reflection rather than decisive action regarding patterns of thought, feeling and ideas you are considering. It’s a great day to practice verbal restraint and instead cultivate mental peace and quiet. Enjoy a walking meditation that allows your body and mind to take in new vistas, as you let yourself recharge mentally and physically.

SCORPIO: The Sagittarius Moon goes void in your fiscal sector at 4:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of reflection rather than decisive action regarding money, possessions and financial plans. It’s a great day to set your finances in order and attend to possessions. Avoid making big purchases or financial decisions today, instead, take beautiful care of what is already yours.

SAGITTARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon goes void in your sector of self at 4:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of reflection and gentle self care, rather than decisive action regarding your needs and feelings. It’s a great day to attend to your feelings and reflect on your needs, while you enjoy some down time. Relax and go with the flow as you take impeccable care of yourself.

CAPRICORN: The Sagittarius Moon goes void in your spiritual sector at 4:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of reflection rather than decisive action regarding the dreams and visions that you are committed to manifesting. It’s a great day to pray, meditate, bless, and otherwise cultivate union with the Force that is constantly blessing your life. Open to your dreams and the Guidance that will lead you to them. Be on the lookout for miracles.

AQUARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon goes void in your social sector at 4:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of reflection rather than decisive action regarding friendships, network building and group efforts. It’s a great day to go with the flow socially, allowing the day to unfold as it will. Explore your feelings about your social life. Be honest with yourself.

PISCES: The Sagittarius Moon goes void in your sector career at 4:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of reflection rather than decisive action regarding your career, long term goals, and executive matters. It’s a great day to get organized for success by attending to administrative details and organizing required in order to succeed. Proper planning leads to success today.