This Months column is dedicated to the memory of Lou Reed

” Run for the shadows in these golden years” 

~~~David Bowie


” Say a word for Jimmy Brown, he ain’t got nuthin at all.” 

~~~Oh Sweet Nuthin by The Velvet Underground


” Pass through the fire to the light “

~~~Magic and Loss, The Summation by Lou Reed


This month as the Sun joins Saturn and Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, the sign of the depths, we are invited to engage in serious reflection upon all things Scorpio, both the darkest and potentially lightest sign of the zodiac. The worldly event that provides a most soulful and stirring focus for this meditation is the death in late October of legendary underground rocker Lou Reed. Scorpio rules the shadow, the underworld, intimacy, taboos, and the whole realm of sexuality, shared wealth and resources, alchemy, death and resurrection; all things Mr. Reed wrote and sang about with heartbreaking clarity.


The news of Mr. Reed’s death hit me like a freight train. I was surprised by the intensity of my response, more so because I had not really listened to his music for years, and had even avoided it. The reason for this was that Lou and The Velvet Underground provided the obsessive soundtrack to one of the darkest and most painful periods in my younger life. I suppose I wanted to distance myself from that time and those feelings. When I heard of his death I was drawn back into a weeping reflection of what an extraordinary gift his music had been and will always be to me and to the world.

Lou Reed was not a Scorpio but a Pisces, the sign of music, poetry, empathy and compassion. I could find no record of his birth time, but I would bet that he was Scorpio rising. One’s rising sign describes the path one is on, and Reed was always broadcasting from the underworld, as even his band’s name, The Velvet Underground would suggest. His subject matter is pure unadulterated Scorpio. We can do no better in an effort to understand this most misunderstood of signs than to study his extraordinary contribution.

Scorpio rules “The Shadow,” which is the entire realm of what we individually and collectively refuse to acknowledge and integrate into our soul or society. In the increasingly blinding light of our superficial, empty-calorie, consumer culture our shadow has grown long and dark. It was from this shadow that Lou Reed’s spare unadorned voice sang out for the poor, the mad, the beaten and forgotten, the sexually unacceptable, and the disenfranchised.

While most of us run from the shadows Lou staked them out as his sacred pulpit, which he never abandoned regardless of worldly success.  In his youth he was subjected to shock treatments by his parents for his bisexuality, an unimaginable nightmare which likely cemented his poetic and uncompromising outrage for the sexually marginalized. The gay community now has a full-fledged civil rights movement, but Lou was singing way back in the day for the transgender community which still remains the final frontier in the sexual human rights movement.

Scorpio rules shared wealth, which in our culture has devolved to an increasingly bizarre and grotesque distribution of wealth that favors billionaires at the expense of the very real needs like food and shelter of the many. Lou Reed’s song “Oh Sweet Nuthin” could be today’s anthem for fiscal fairness. In a culture of almost compulsive self-congratulation, Lou would have us  check out what was happening on the dirty boulevard, force us to look at the people who were falling through the cracks.

Lou sang about addiction, an epidemic in our culture. His song “Heroin” is an agonizing journey into the level of pain and alienation that drives people to addiction. Addiction thrives in the shadows and Lou was one of the first to bring it into the light. Scorpio rules an intensity and depth of pain that most people are not comfortable dealing with. This culture in particular is on dreadful terms with feelings.  The music this man left behind expresses a depth of feeling that cannot be faked. It comes from his own experience and his moral outrage.

Like Mark Twain, Lou’s outrage at poverty, racism, sexism and gross hypocrisy, threw him back on himself half stunned, till all he could do was take aim with everything he had artistically and hit it hard and relentlessly.  He is credited with helping inspire the Velvet Revolution in the Czech Republic, with being the grandfather of Punk (all no doubt true) but to me he will always be the deep true voice of the voiceless, the ultimate blues man singing our pain with his words.

His last work “Magic and Loss” explores cancer, transformation, spiritual alchemy, loss and death. He wrote it to grieve a friend who had died of cancer. In the lyrics we see the whole path of alchemy and redemption. Once again Lou, like Scorpio, is taking us where we don’t necessarily want to go, but where we must go to be whole, to be redeemed. He sings about burning away the ego in the fires of alchemy, burning away our self-doubt, our hurt, our past, our dread and coming to a place of seeing the magic in everything.

The deepest Scorpio lesson is to burn away the painful lead of the isolated ego till we are pure gold shimmering light. In the footage of his final year you can see the sweetness and tender light in Lou; the way he hugs his fellow musicians, the love and kindness shining out of his eyes. Rumors of how long he would hold people’s hands, all speak to me of his soul’s refinement. The hard angry edges softened like sea glass to the deep and pure humanitarian love that was always fueling his anger. In the end that love was shining like stars from those big soulful eyes.

In the past few days I have once again been relentlessly watching and listening to Lou Reed and The Velvet Underground. Once again I am back home in the apartment I grew up in all those years ago. I moved home to that same apartment five years ago to nurse my mother through cancer till she died.  I stayed and took care of my 92 year old father when she passed, and was with each of them when they took their last breath.

During this strange and sacred time here is what I have learned about death. It is only when someone has died that one can really know or measure the impact of their life. You may think you know who or what someone meant to you, but it is only when they are irrevocably gone and the book of their life closes that you can even begin to truly know the magnitude of their contribution. The sharp outline of a life is only seen in the still emptiness of its utter absence.

Out of the silence Mr. Reed sang the rough, sweet, true, heartbreaking notes of his life, and we are all so much the better for it. The rest is silence.

Goodnight Sweet Prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

Deepest Sympathy and Blessings to Laurie Anderson and Mr. Reed’s many friends and band mates.



The Sun went into Scorpio on October 23rd and will remain there till November 21st when it enters Sagittarius, the festive sign of multiculturalism. The Sun in Scorpio joined Saturn, the planet of responsibility, lessons, consequences and discipline which has been in Scorpio since last year at this time. Mercury is also in Scorpio, though only retrograde till November 10th when it goes direct. Mercury remains in Scorpio all month. The North node is also in Scorpio.

With the Sun, Saturn, Mercury retrograde and the moon’s north node in Scorpio, the cosmic directive is pretty clear. This month is a meditation and reflection on all things Scorpio. To make best use of this line-up ponder how we as a culture share wealth. How is it that in a culture with so much wealth we allow anyone to go homeless and hungry? This month contemplate real wealth, which is to say the land, the ocean, and the airwaves. This is a month to reaffirm the collective sacred stewardship of our living planet. Meditate on your values. Are your investments in alignment with your values?

Excellent viewing on this subject of sharing resources is David C. Korten,  author of When Corporations Rule the World.

Scorpio also rules intimacy. This month contemplate how you share yourself with others. If you are too afraid to move into the deep waters of romantic intimacy, begin with honest sharing with friends.

This is a great month for deep healing. I recommend EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Inner Child work and, if you have PTSD, try Somatic Experience. If you are a veteran with PTSD do not be afraid to explore somatic experience therapy. It is a therapy designed to work directly with the nervous system. No one will be touching you and you don’t have to talk much about your feelings. Instead invoke your inner warrior to see just how healed you can get your nervous system using this elegant technique.

Scorpio rules transformation. This month, with Mercury retrograde until the 10th, reflect upon what needs to change in your life. To whom or what are you giving your power. It is also a great time to clean, clear and throw things out. Change your look or your style.

Scorpio rules secrets and power. This is great month to explore powerful secrets brought to light. I recommend the documentary Unmanned: America’s Drone Wars.

November begins with Venus, the planet of love and beauty, in multi-cultural Sagittarius, filling us with loving interests in other cultures. On the 5th Venus moves into executive Capricorn and it is time to unite business and love in the broadest sense. Align your work with what you deeply love and structure your company so that you are treating employees and clients with humanitarian love.

Mars, the planet of action and desire is in environmental Virgo all month fueling our deep desire to fight for planet earth. Go green this month. Drink green juice, buy organic and send blessings and gratitude to our beautiful bountiful earth mother.

Jupiter in Cancer, the sign of the Great Mother, also makes this a great month to honor the ocean and the divine feminine. Spend time near water. Go home. Do some nesting. Spend time with your mother or family. Adopt a more holistic approach to life.

Uranus, the planet of evolution and revolution in Aries the sign of individual action, will be in exact square to Pluto, the planet of power and the underworld in Capricorn, the sign of government and infrastructure. This is a major power structure between the old world order and the one struggling to be born. This aspect will make it a tense month for power struggles. If you are seeking to change your world study nonviolence and take action from that place. These days the smart money in the long run is on David as Goliath crumbles under the weight of his own greed. Also we may see some ballistic crazies come out of the woodwork again this month so stay present and keep blessings flowing in all directions.

Transcendental Neptune in musical, spiritual Pisces brings us the sweet note of salvation through spirituality, poetry and music. I will be listening to a lot of Lou Reed. On All Saints Night celebrate by watching on YouTube Lou’s cover of  “See that My Grave is Kept Clean.”  Also “Oh Sweet Nuthin” on the Bridge School Tribute or better yet Lou himself singing it.

All Blessings to you and your Ancestors this month

Demitra Vassiliadis


ARIES: There is a major line up in your house of intimacy, deep transformation and power which includes the Sun, Mercury retrograde and Saturn as well as the moon’s north node. This month ask yourself what you might have overlooked around issues of intimacy and deep sharing that might be holding up your transformation. The cosmos is helping you to clear the past by shining a bright light into the deepest waters of your chart. Your job is to go back and feel the feelings that felt like too much when you were young. You really can feel them now that you are stronger and older and sweep your soul clean for a whole new level of empowerment and intimacy. After the 5th Venus will be in your career sector helping you with professional partnerships and creative projects. Jupiter at the base of your chart is giving you a deep down sense of expansion at your root system that will surely lead to a corresponding expansion of your professional place in the world.

TAURUS: The Sun, Mercury retrograde and Saturn as well as the moon’s North Node are all in your house of partnership making this a month to reflect and perhaps reconsider issues of partnership, both business and personal. This month reflect upon your self-esteem or lack thereof. Note how your deepest feelings regarding your self-worth have manifested in your relationships or lack thereof. This month work on healing your self-esteem. I recommend inner child and loving kindness meditation. If you are in a divorce or business breakup the Mercury retrograde, through the 10th, is good for renegotiation. Venus begins the month in your house of intimacy helping you develop a philosophy regarding intimacy. On the 5th it moves into Capricorn and your house of philosophy and publishing, making the rest of the month a great time to crystalize your professional philosophy and message. This is a great time to write and speak or develop a curriculum that applies to your work. With Jupiter in your other writing house, communication is what really expands your life these days.

GEMINI: There is a major line up in your house of work, organizing and health which includes the Sun, Saturn and Mercury retrograde, making this a great month to contemplate your relationship to your daily work and health routines. Do you need to change the structure of how you work on a daily basis? Do you need to get more organized or perhaps change your structural approach to organization? Also contemplate transforming your health routines. What needs to change in how you eat or exercise that would further empower you? On an even deeper level (we are after all in Scorpio) ask yourself how deep, unresolved issues may be influencing the very nature of your daily work? Does your work reflect high or low self-esteem? This month let the healing deepen, so you can fully accept and feel worthy of the major expansion of your finances that the universe is currently presenting you with.

CANCER: This month there is a major alignment in your house of children and creativity which includes the Sun, Saturn, Mercury and the moon’s North Node, making this a month to reflect upon and reconsider your approach to childrearing or creativity. This may be a month when you decide to write or revisit some work of art that needs revision. It may also be a time when you reflect upon your relationship to how you raise your kids. This month explore nonviolent communication. You also may need to set boundaries and really mean it. If you can’t do this with your children, your own self esteem may need bolstering. Jupiter is still in your sign bringing you a much needed expansion of your faith, optimism and sense of self. Love yourself enough this month to do a little inner child work and spend time creating that which gives you the most joy. Venus will spend from the 5th on in your partnership house so this month spend time building business and personal relationships that are fair and nurturing.

LEO:  This month there is a major line up in your house of home including the Sun, Saturn and Mercury retrograde asking you to spend time in serious reflection upon your home life. With Mercury retrograde you may have missed something involving your home that now requires your attention. Put your house in order on all levels and revisit any legal options that are open to you. Reflect upon your relationship to your home. How does it reflect your self-esteem or lack thereof? This month work on healing your deepest feelings of self-worth that manifest in your home life. Then go about creating the house of your dreams. Ask your ancestors to help you with all of this. Jupiter in your spiritual sector gives you massive support from the angelic and spirit world right now. Don’t be afraid to call upon it.  Mars, in your fiscal sector, asks you to put finances in order and create clarity which will lead to prosperity. Venus will be in your work and organization sector for the better part of the month helping you to really create orderly structure which assures success in your life.

VIRGO: There is a major line up in your house of communication this month, including the Sun, Saturn, Mercury retrograde, and the moons nodes all in transformational Scorpio, making this an excellent time to reflect upon and define the scope of your message. With Saturn in the lineup you have a big, transformational and serious message about how to responsibly share resources. Knowing you Virgo, the message is also about how to live clean green and sustainably. This month while Mercury is retrograde take some time to pull back and get quiet. Be still and meditate about what you want to say and how you want to say it. Then, after the 10th when Mercury goes direct, move into action and begin the communication project of your dreams. Jupiter in your 11th house assures you that the universe is sending powerful, wonderful women to befriend you and help you manifest your cherished dreams and projects. Spiritual Neptune, in your partnership house, is sending you increasingly visionary partners to assist you in your mission. Mars in your sign this month gives you added energy to work on yourself and the environment.

LIBRA: This month there is a major planetary line up in your house of money and self-esteem, which includes the Sun, Saturn, Mercury retrograde and the moon’s north node all in Scorpio, the sign of transformation, making this an excellent time to reflect upon issues of self-esteem that may impact your bank account. This month ask yourself if you really feel worthy of abundance. Do you believe you deserve respect and success? If not, this is an excellent month to do some deep healing around issues of self-esteem. I recommend loving kindness meditation and inner child work. This is also a time to get your finances in order. Venus will be in your home sector after the 4th making November a loving time on the home front. Jupiter, in your career sector, continues to bring big opportunities that could really expand your career. Mars in your spiritual sector makes this a great month to do yoga and spend time engaged in spiritual activities.

SCORPIO: Happy Birthday Scorpio!!!
This year your birthday month begins as a deep refection on yourself. The Sun, Saturn, Mercury retrograde and the moon’s north node are all in your sign making this a powerful yet serious time to contemplate your message and holy work in the world. This is also a time to focus on self-respect. With Saturn in your sign it is time to define yourself and your message. Ask yourself what you need to transform deep within in order to step into the fully empowered you. This is a great time to rewrite and refine your message. Go deep during the retrograde, which is always your natural inclination anyway, then after the tenth take action to move forward with your message and your holy work. Your life’s work may involve helping us find new ways of fairly sharing resources; it may also involve exploring the realm of energy, sacred intimacy or death. Our culture needs an overhauling on all these fronts and you are just the intense transformational person to help us. Jupiter in your house of philosophy makes you the big messenger who can bring us back to a more organic approach to life on a small, sacred planet. Mars, in your friendship sector, sends armies of friends to assist with birthday celebrations and your most cherished dreams.

SAGITTARIUS: There is a major planetary line up in your spiritual sector this month which includes the Sun, Saturn, Mercury retrograde and the moon’s north node, making this an excellent time to reflect upon your spiritual life and practice. Take the time of the retrograde till the 10th to reflect on what needs to change in your spiritual life, then after the 10th move forward on the changes you have decided upon. Release old resentments that may be operating from behind the scenes, holding you back from full success. Mars is in your career house this month gives you tons of energy to get your business organized and put on your administrative hat. Jupiter, in your shared resources sector, makes this a time when you expand through other people’s money. It can also be a wonderful time of truly nurturing intimacy and nesting. Enjoy. Venus begins the month in your sign giving you extra loveliness and grace. On the 5th it moves into your fiscal sector and your self-esteem and finances both get a boost.

CAPRICORN: This month the Sun is shining in your house of friends and social networks, along with Saturn, Mercury retrograde and the moon’s north node, making this an excellent time to reflect upon your social life and how you network. Something about this area of your life needs to be reexamined. Are there relationships that are not mutual or respectful and therefore need to end? Do you need to expand your social circle? This is a time to reflect upon how to go about it. Do you feel empowered or disempowered among your friends and associates? Ask yourself if unresolved childhood issues are standing in the way of your full empowerment with your peers. Take some time to do some healing work during the retrograde, and then move into action after the 10th. Jupiter is still in your partnership sector bringing new expansive business and personal partnerships into your life. Be open to kind and nurturing people who are here to teach you a balanced holistic approach to life.

AQUARIUS: This month the Sun, Saturn, Mercury retrograde and the moon’s north node are all in your career sector. You are clearly taking a big and solid step in building your career, but this month begins with a reflection on your approach to this sector. It may be that you need to rewrite, rethink or revisit some aspect of your latest project. Your project may involve themes of power, death, intimacy, energy or shared resources, whatever the case, between now and the tenth reflect and review. In professional discussions err on the side of verbal restraint. It may also be that you are contemplating a career move that could give you considerable power. If that is the case spend the retrograde time really contemplating the ramifications of your move. Jupiter in your realm of work gives you plenty of work. Next year could be a year when you find a wonderful new partnership. Venus begins the month in your friendship network, surrounding you with a very loving social life, but quickly moves into your spiritual sector on the 5th asking you to connect with others in meditation or other spiritual practice.

PISCES: The month begins with a major line up in your house of philosophy, learning, teaching and travel. With the lineup, including Saturn as well as Mercury retrograde, you are in a deep reflection about your work, philosophy and message. It may be that you need to crystalize your message. It may be that you need to change the nature of your work or simply your approach to it, but something in your philosophy is up for reconsideration. Travel plans may have to be rescheduled.  On a purely philosophical level you may find yourself contemplating death this month, and how this stark fact can inform your commitment to truly live. Venus, the planet of love, begins the month in your career sector ushering in some lovely career connections, and then quickly moves into your social network for the rest of the month. Your social life looks lovely as the holidays approach. You may find yourself beautifully connecting with powerful people who can further your hopes and dreams. Your creativity and children hold the key to major expansion these days.

