THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY JULY 28TH: The Pisces Moon glides into Aries at 5:38 AM EDT, nurturing our sacred inner warrior and our ability to act on our own behalf. It’s a great day to take initiative and advance plans and strategies we are clear about. A few hours later at 8:43 AM EDT, massive Jupiter retrogrades out of Pisces, and back into Aquarius, to expand our social and collective possibilities, while inspiring the expansion of our personal and collective freedom, beyond previous boundaries. 

It’s a beautiful day to reflect on where you have been bound and where you most long to be free. Mighty Jupiter will be helping us break the chains that bind us as he travels through the sign of liberty, equality, fraternity and sorority. Jupiter will also be inspiring us to review, reflect and return to massive collaborations that support our most beloved creative expression. It’s a gorgeous time to enlist Divine Assistance to free our hearts and minds.  Jupiter will be traveling through Aquarius till December 28th. 

ARIES: The waning Moon cruises into Aries at 5:38 AM EDT, as dawn breaks to nurture you, inspiring a day of active self care. The Aries Moon will harmonize with the Sun and Mercury in Leo, inspiring you to listen to your heart and make time for creative and recreational pursuits that delight you. At 8:43 AM EDT massive Jupiter retrogrades out of Pisces, and back into Aquarius, and your social sector, inspiring an epic review of your social life and big possibilities that are brewing.

TAURUS: The waning Moon cruises into Aries at 5:38 AM EDT, as dawn breaks to nurture your capacity to act on Divine Guidance that comes in meditation. The Aries Moon will harmonize with the Sun and Mercury in Leo, inspiring brilliant loving plans for home and family. At 8:43 AM EDT massive Jupiter retrogrades out of Pisces, and back into Aquarius, and your career sector, to nurture big professional possibilities that it is time to return to.

GEMINI: The waning Moon cruises into Aries at 5:38 AM EDT, as dawn breaks, to nurture your capacity to act on daring social and networking plans. The Aries Moon will harmonize with the Sun and Mercury in Leo, inspiring brilliant, creative, fun ideas to be shared with friends. At 8:43 AM EDT massive Jupiter retrogrades out of Pisces, and back into Aquarius, and your philosophical/travel sector calling you to review big ideas and beliefs and calling you back to beloved locations.

CANCER: The waning Moon cruises into Aries at 5:38 AM EDT, as dawn breaks to nurture your inner executive and your capacity to act on long term plans. The Aries Moon will harmonize with the Sun and Mercury in Leo, inspiring golden lucrative ideas that it’s time to advance. At 8:43 AM EDT massive Jupiter retrogrades out of Pisces, and back into Aquarius, and your sector of depths and mergers, where big liberating possibilities await you.

LEO: The waning Moon cruises into Aries at 5:38 AM EDT, as dawn breaks to nurture your capacity to act on your best ideas. The Aries Moon will harmonize with the Sun and Mercury in Leo, inspiring some of your most brilliant expression. At 8:43 AM EDT massive Jupiter retrogrades out of Pisces, and back into Aquarius, and your partnership sector, inspiring an epic review of your partnerships, where big possibilities are brewing.

VIRGO: The waning Moon cruises into Aries at 5:38 AM EDT, as dawn breaks to nurture your capacity to advance your deep inner empowerment. The Aries Moon will harmonize with the Sun and Mercury in Leo, inspiring brilliant changes and creative mergers on the home front. At 8:43 AM EDT massive Jupiter retrogrades out of Pisces, and back into Aquarius, and your work sector, where t’s time to review networking efforts and team work that could be game changers.

LIBRA: The waning Moon cruises into Aries at 5:38 AM EDT, as dawn breaks to nurture your partnerships and your capacity to act on shared plans. The Aries Moon will harmonize with the Sun and Mercury in Leo, inspiring a great day for fun and leisure with friends and allies. At 8:43 AM EDT massive Jupiter retrogrades out of Pisces, and back into Aquarius, and your creative sector, calling you to review big creative ideas and opportunities.

SCORPIO: The waning Moon cruises into Aries at 5:38 AM EDT, as dawn breaks, to nurture your capacity to set your life in order and attend to the practical details that support health and success. The Aries Moon will harmonize with the Sun and Mercury in Leo, inspiring you to advance and fine tune beloved creative professional projects. At 8:43 AM EDT massive Jupiter retrogrades out of Pisces, and back into Aquarius, and your home sector, inspiring a big review of expanding domestic possibilities.

SAGITTARIUS: The waning Moon cruises into Aries at 5:38 AM EDT, as dawn breaks to nurture your creative power and passion. The Aries Moon will harmonize with the Sun and Mercury in Leo, inspiring you to advance beloved creative projects. At 8:43 AM EDT massive Jupiter retrogrades out of Pisces, and back into Aquarius, and your sector of mind where it’s time to return to big ideas and projects that could be game changers.

CAPRICORN: The waning Moon cruises into Aries at 5:38 AM EDT, as dawn breaks to nurture your capacity to act on beloved domestic plans. The Aries Moon will harmonize with the Sun and Mercury in Leo, inspiring you to act on the need for creative family fun and recreation. At 8:43 AM EDT massive Jupiter retrogrades out of Pisces, and back into Aquarius, and your fiscal sector where group funding or collective creativity could spell prosperity for all!

AQUARIUS: The waning Moon cruises into Aries at 5:38 AM EDT, as dawn breaks, to nurture your mind and your capacity to act on brilliant ideas and winning strategies.The Aries Moon will harmonize with the Sun and Mercury in Leo, inspiring you to follow your heart and explore romantic relationships or creative collaborations. At 8:43 AM EDT massive Jupiter retrogrades out of Pisces, and back into Aquarius, and your sector of self, inspiring an epic rethink about yourself and your biggest plans.

PISCES: The waning Moon cruises into Aries at 5:38 AM EDT, as dawn breaks to nurture your capacity to act on financial plans and strategies to grow your prosperity. The Aries Moon will harmonize with the Sun and Mercury in Leo, inspiring brilliant, creative profitable ideas to be acted on today. At 8:43 AM EDT massive Jupiter retrogrades out of Pisces, and back into Aquarius, and your spiritual sector, calling you back to big dreams and visions that involve like minded community.