THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY MARCH 11TH: The Aries Moon is striding through the day after yesterday‘s New Moon in Pisces. Today she is nurturing our capacity to take decisive, intelligent, courageous, bold, action to advance our dreams.

Get strategic about your visions today. What action is required to achieve them? What would victory look like? This evening at 5:50 PM EST, lovely Venus joins the Sun, Saturn and Neptune in beautiful visionary Pisces, to nurture our highest love, and our most beautiful visions. Venus will be inspiring us to manifest the gorgeousness that we are dreaming of for weeks to come.

ARIES: The Aries Moon is cruising through your sector of self, giving you plenty of energy and a can-do attitude, with which to advance the visions that yesterday‘s New Moon clarified for you. Tonight Venus will head into Pisces, joining the lineup in your spiritual sector, to bless you with the highest possible love, and the most inspired vision that it is time to advance.

TAURUS: The Aries Moon is cruising through your spiritual sector today, inspiring you to get your visionary ducks organized, and moving forward in an effective manner that will lead to their achievement. Meanwhile, this evening, Venus heads into Pisces, the sign of her exaltation, joining Saturn, Neptune, and the Sun all in Pisces, in your social sector. It’s time for the highest love and most exquisite beauty to inspire what you are creating with your dream team.

GEMINI: The Aries Moon is cruising through your social sector, inspiring you to marshal the social and group support, required to achieve the visionary success you desire. Tonight Venus will join Saturn, the Sun and Neptune in Pisces, in your career sector, inspiring you to pursue the success, that you love and find most beautiful.

CANCER: The Aries Moon is cruising through your career sector, inspiring, bold, daring, intelligent, action to advance the visions you are committed to that will lead to professional success and long term happiness. This evening, lovely Venus will join Saturn, Neptune, and the Sun in Pisces, in your publishing sector, to nurture your most beautiful projects and presentations for weeks to come. It’s time to advance them.

LEO: The Aries Moon is cruising through your publishing sector inspiring you to get serious, active and strategic about advancing the projects, goals and presentations that you are serious about. It’s time to manifest your dreams. This evening, lovely Venus will join Neptune, the Sun and Saturn in your deepest sector, to nurture your deepest love, and your most inspired visions. Advance them.

VIRGO: The Aries Moon is cruising through your sector of emotional depths, mergers, and transformation, to nurture your deepest relationships, most profitable collaborations, and the changes you are committed to, that support your gorgeous vision. This evening lovely Venus will head into Pisces in your partnership sector to nurture your commitment to the love, beauty and inspired dreams that you share, and are now ready to advance with partners.

LIBRA: The Aries Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, nurturing the relationships you are most committed to, and your capacity to act on the dreams you share with partners. This evening, Venus, your ruling planet, will head into Pisces, joining Saturn, the Sun and Neptune in your work and health sector. It’s time to advance the nuts, bolts and details of your gorgeous dreams.

SCORPIO: The Aries Moon is gliding through your work and health sector, inviting you to get healthy, fit, organized and ready for success. Luna will help you to advance the creative dreams and visions that you are committed to with tactical, practical, action. This evening, Venus joins, Saturn, the Sun and Neptune, in your creative sector, where it’s time to get serious, disciplined, and active when it comes to advancing your most gorgeous, creative ideas.

SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon is gliding through your creative sector, nurturing your courage to express yourself and advance the domestic and creative dreams that you’re committed to. This evening, Venus, the goddess of love and beauty will join Saturn, the Sun and Neptune, all in Pisces in your home sector. Love is coming to nest with you for weeks. Make your home a suitable temple, filled with beauty, streaming with love.

CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon is gliding through your home sector today, inspiring you to take charge of your home environment, and prepare to advance the dreams you are committed to from your home base. This evening lovely Venus will join Saturn, the Sun and Neptune, all in Pisces In your sector of mind. It’s time to get organized and advance your most stunning, gorgeous, breathtaking visions.

AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon is gliding through your mind, nurturing your capacity to act on brilliant, and visionary ideas that you are committed to. This evening, lovely Venus will join Saturn, the Sun and Neptune, all in Pisces in your fiscal sector, inviting you to commit to the projects, ideas, values and visions that align with your values. Invest in what you love.

PISCES: The Aries Moon is striding through your financial sector, inspiring you to get your fiscal house in order, maintain your possessions, and generally create order in your material life. This will help you to advance the dreams that you are committed to that require financing, material support, and logistical organization in order to become profitable. This evening lovely Venus will join the lineup in your financial sector, inspiring you to invest in, build or otherwise manifest the dreams that are most beautiful to you.