THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY JULY 26TH: The Pisces Moon is gliding through the day as she wanes, nurturing our soulful dreams, visions and our capacity to release whatever stands in the way of their manifestation. This morning Luna faces off with Venus in practical pristine Virgo, inspiring us to take small incremental action to manifest our dreams or clear the way for their manifestation. It’s a perfect day for practicing self forgiveness as a we also declutter on physical levels. Forgiveness is the ultimate spiritual cleanser and makes letting go of other clutter that much easier. Forgive yourself, forgive the dreams that didn’t come true, forgive others…rinse and repeat as needed.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector, nurturing your capacity to receive Divine Love and cultivate compassion and forgiveness towards yourself and others. This morning Luna faces off with Venus in pristine Virgo in your sector of work and health, inspiring a review of beloved dreams and the small incremental actions required to achieve them.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your social sector, nurturing your dreams of visionary collaboration and beloved community as she goes. This morning Luna faces off with Venus in pristine Virgo in your creative sector, inspiring baby steps toward manifesting your creative vision and cultivating new skills that you will need to manifest your dreams.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your career sector, nurturing your most visionary dreams and professional ambitions as she goes. This morning Luna faces off with Venus in pristine Virgo in your home sector, inspiring you to take steps to create or attend to your dream home. Delight in the exquisite details of both your home life and your career vision.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your philosophical sector, nurturing your faith and the visions you are dreaming up to present to the world as she goes. This morning Luna faces off with Venus in pristine Virgo in your sector of mind, inspiring you to clarify you thinking about the beautiful details of your vision as you also release judgment, self blame or any criticism of self or others. It’s a perfect day to practice compassion and forgiveness across the board.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sector of depths and mergers, nurturing your dreams of shared vision and Higher Love as she goes. This morning Luna faces off with Venus in pristine Virgo in your fiscal sector, inspiring you to take financial action toward your most beautiful dreams as you attend to finances, property or possessions. From small things, big things come.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, nurturing the dreams you share with partners, or your vision to have a partner as she goes. This morning Luna faces off with Venus in pristine Virgo in your sector of self, inspiring you to enjoy a day of self care and self appreciation as you reflect on the exquisite beauty you bring to any table.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sector of work and health, nurturing your dreams of health and happiness as she goes. This morning Luna faces off with Venus in pristine Virgo in your spiritual sector, inspiring you to do the footwork that leads to your dreams beginning with your devotional practice. It’s a perfect day to pray and meditate for Divine Guidance.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your creative sector, nurturing your beloved creative vision as she goes. This morning Luna faces off with Venus in pristine Virgo in your social sector, inspiring action to seek technical or creative support as you manifest your beloved dreams. Friends and allies are on hand to assist you today.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your home sector, nurturing the roots of your dreams as she goes. This morning Luna faces off with Venus in pristine Virgo in your career sector, inspiring beautiful harmonious action at work that gets the job done, and gets you that much closer to your domestic dreams.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your mind, nurturing your inspired imagination and cherished visions as she goes. This morning Luna faces off with Venus in pristine Virgo in your publishing sector, inspiring you to take incremental steps to advance, present or otherwise share your vision with those who can help you manifest it.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector, nurturing your financial and material dreams as she goes. This morning Luna faces off with Venus in pristine Virgo in your sector of emotional depths, shared resources and mergers, inspiring you to attend to the details of your financial and material life. It’s a great day for material maintenance.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sector of self, nurturing you, your dreams and your deep inner peace as she goes. This morning Luna faces off with Venus in pristine Virgo in your partnership sector, inspiring a beautiful day for love, romance and sharing your dreams with those you love and trust.