THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY APRIL 13TH: The waxing Moon begins her day in Gemini, inviting us to take act on our best ideas first thing this morning. At 10:46 AM EDT, Luna goes void giving us a few hours to go with the flow, reflect and get organized till 1:45 PM when she glides into her home sign, soulful Cancer, inviting us to nest, rest, cook and connect with family and nurture our roots. There’s no place like home this evening, make yourself cozy and relax.

ARIES: The Gemini Moon inspires decisive, thinking and action this morning, till 10:46 AM EDT, when she goes void, inspiring a great time to reflect on ideas, strategies and get organized. At 1:45 PM EDT, Luna glides into soulful Cancer in your home sector, inspiring a gorgeous afternoon for nesting resting, and enjoying the comfort of home and family.

TAURUS: The Gemini Moon invites your clearest thinking first thing this morning, especially regarding financial matters. At 10:46 AM EDT, she goes void inspiring, an excellent afternoon to reflect on the ideas and enterprises your value most. At 1:45 PM Luna glides into soulful Cancer in your sector of mind, inviting you to nurture and incubate your most inspired ideas and efforts.

GEMINI: The Gemini Moon inspires your best and clearest thinking first thing this morning. Take note of your best ideas. At 10:46 AM EDT, she goes void, inspiring a few hours of gentle self-care and reflection. At 1:45 PM Luna glides into your fiscal sector in soulful Cancer, inspiring you to incubate your most profitable ideas that you most want to grow.

CANCER: The Gemini Moon inspires your most visionary clarity first thing this morning. Take note of inspired ideas. At 10:46 AM EDT she goes void inspiring a great day for prayer, meditation, reflection and communing with the higher mind. At 1:45 PM EDT Luna glides into your sign Cancer, her home sign, to nurture you and surround you with love, comfort protection, and a general feeling of coziness. It’s a beautiful day for self-care.

LEO: The Gemini Moon inspires your clearest thinking about your social life first thing this morning. At 10:46 AM EDT she goes void inspiring you to review and reflect on your feelings and needs regarding your social life. At 1:45 PM EDT Luna glides into soulful Cancer in your inner ashram, to nurture your conscious connection to the Loving Source that created you, and that surrounds you even now with love and care.

VIRGO: The Gemini Moon inspires your clearest executive thinking and action first thing today. At 10:46 AM EDT she goes void inspiring you to reflect on and organize administrative matters and career projects. At 1:45 PM EDT, Luna glides into soulful Cancer in your social sector, to nurture your most loving and tender friendships. Make time for them.

LIBRA: The Gemini Moon inspires your clearest thinking regarding inspired, ideas publishing projects and adventures, first thing this morning. At 10:46 AM EDT she goes void, inspiring you to enjoy some hours of philosophical reflection. At 1:45 PM EDT Luna glides into soulful Cancer in your career sector. It’s time to rise and shine like the gracious Moon.

SCORPIO: The Gemini Moon inspires great clarity about your deepest feelings and needs this morning. At 10:46 AM EDT she goes void inspiring hours of further reflection about emotional patterns and how to attend to your needs. At 1:45 PM EDT, Luna glides into soulful Cancer in your publishing sector, inviting you to entertain ideas and beliefs, that nurture your emotional security, your sense of well-being and your capacity for self-love.

SAGITTARIUS: The Gemini Moon inspires great clarity about partnerships past, present, and future, first thing this morning. Then she goes void at 10:46 AM EDT inviting you into a few hours of  intelligent reflection regarding your relationship patterns. At 1:45 PM EDT Luna glides into soulful Cancer in your deepest sector, calling you to truly be vulnerable and deepen with those you love.

CAPRICORN: The Gemini Moon invites clear thinking and organizational action first thing today. At 10:46 AM EDT she goes void, inviting you into a few hours of reflection and decluttering. At 1:45 PM EDT, she glides into soulful Cancer in your partnership sector, inviting you into a lovely afternoon to spend with partners you love.

AQUARIUS: The Gemini Moon inspires fun creative activities first thing today. At 10:46 AM EDT she goes void inspiring a few hours to reflect on how best to follow your creative and romantic bliss. At 1:45 PM EDT Luna glides into soulful Cancer, in your work and health sector, inspiring a lovely evening for domestic puttering, nesting, and resting.

PISCES: The Gemini Moon inspires your clearest thinking and action regarding domestic matters first thing today. At 10:46 AM EDT she goes void inviting you to enjoy some light house keeping and organizing today. At 1:45 PM EDT Luna glides into soulful Cancer in your creative sector of art and romance, inviting you into a delightful pleasurable afternoon and evening.