THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY JULY 22ND: Today at 10:26 AM EDT, the radiant Sun rides his blazing chariot into golden Leo, his home sign, to nurture the power of love and courage in our mighty hearts. The Leo Sun will be shining his light on our creativity and our true desires, inspiring courageous acts of love and self expression for weeks to come. While the Sun was in maternal Cancer, we were incubating ideas, conditions and projects that called to us on a soulful level. Now as the Sun glides through Leo we are called to externalize and express all that we were gestating. The Sun will be joining Mars who is still in Leo though in later degrees, giving us additional courage power and initiative to pursue our heart’s true desires and do brave things. It is time to listen to our hearts and step to the beat of love, passion and courage.

Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon waxes through the day nurturing our executive intelligence and capacity to commit to cherished goals. Tonight at 6:25 PM EDT Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring breakthroughs in our relationship to success and financial prosperity.

This morning at 10:26 AM EDT, the Sun leaves soulful Cancer and your home sector for the year, and heads into radiant Leo and your creative sector of children, art and romance to nurture your heart centered joy and creativity. The Leo Sun will be illuminating your creative brilliance and romantic courage for weeks to come. It’s time to express yourself. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon continues to nurture your inner executive, who knows the way to true success.

This morning at 10:26 AM EDT, the Sun leaves soulful Cancer and your sector of mind for the year, and heads into radiant Leo and your home and family sector. The Leo Sun will be illuminating your love of home, warming up your domestic environment, while shedding light and love on you and your family for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon continues to nurture your executive intelligence, inspiring you to act steadily on your commited goals. 

This morning at 10:26 AM EDT, the Sun leaves soulful Cancer and your fiscal sector for the year, and heads into radiant Leo and your sector of thought and communication. The Leo Sun will be illuminating your mind for weeks to come, inspiring brilliant creative ideas and beautiful brilliant approaches to self expression. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon continues to nurture your deepest commitment to relationships that align with your long term goals.

This morning at 10:26 AM EDT, the Sun leaves soulful Cancer and your sector of self for the year, and heads into radiant Leo and your fiscal sector of finances, values and possessions. The Leo Sun will be illuminating your most brilliant approaches to prosperity for weeks to come, inspiring you to manifest and monetize creative ideas. It’s also time to spend some money on your creativity and purchases that nurture your heart. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon continues to nurture your committed relationships, inspiring you to do the same.

This morning at 10:26 AM EDT, the Sun leaves soulful Cancer and your spiritual sector for the year, and heads into your sign radiant Leo, and your sector of self. The Leo Sun will be illuminating your innate radiance and your legendary courage for weeks to come, inspiring you to express your creative brilliance and pursue your heart centered bliss. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon continues to nurture your capacity to organize your life and habits, in order to succeed.

This morning at 10:26 AM EDT, the Sun leaves soulful Cancer and your social sector for the year, and heads into radiant Leo to shed Light on your spiritual sector. The Leo Sun will be illuminating your Divinely Inspired Dreams, and your capacity for enlightenment for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon continues to nurture your creativity and your commitment to your children and beloved art projects, inspiring you to follow your creative Bliss today.

This morning at 10:26 AM EDT, the Sun leaves soulful Cancer and your career sector for the year, and heads into radiant Leo and your social sector to nurture beloved friendships and creative collaborations. The Leo Sun will be illuminating your love of community, and heart centered connection to friends for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon continues to nurture your roots, inspiring empowered action at home.

This morning at 10:26 AM EDT, the Sun leaves soulful Cancer and your philosophical sector for the year, and heads into radiant Leo and your career sector. The Leo Sun will be illuminating your path to success and creative professional fullfillment for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon continues to nurture your executive intelligence and mental discipline. Keep your focus on your long term success.

This morning at 10:26 AM EDT, the Sun leaves soulful Cancer and your sector of depths and mergers for the year, and heads into radiant Leo and your publishing sector of wisdom, travel and higher learning. The Leo Sun will be illuminating your philosophical brilliance  for weeks to come, inspiring brilliant self expression. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon continues to nurture your fiscal life, and your capacity for wise, prudent successful long term planning.

This morning at 10:26 AM EDT, the Sun leaves soulful Cancer and your partnership sector for the year, and heads into radiant Leo and your sector of emotional depths, transformation and mergers. The Leo Sun will be illuminating the roots of your passion and creative brilliance for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon continues to nurture your authentic self and long term happiness. Take practical action to nurture both today.

This morning at 10:26 AM EDT, the Sun leaves soulful Cancer and your sector of work and health for the year, and heads into radiant Leo and your partnership sector to light your path to love. The Leo Sun will be illuminating your heart centered committed relationships, and creative collaborations for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon continues to nurture your long term dreams and the Divinely Inspired actions required to achieve them.

This morning at 10:26 AM EDT, the Sun leaves soulful Cancer and your creative sector of art and children for the year, and heads into radiant Leo and your sector of work and health. The Leo Sun will be illuminating your creative brilliance at work, while inspiring health routines that nurture your glowing health and success for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon continues to nurture your social life inspiring practical action to support your long term social success and happiness.