THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY MARCH 13TH: The Taurus Moon is waxing through the day, trailing streams of fertile beauty as she goes. It’s a gorgeous day to plant seeds of intention that you want to blossom into big beautiful success. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn to nurture our dreams and help us get a foundation under them. This evening she joins up with massive Jupiter, to expand our thinking beyond all previous borders about what is possible for us. It’s a beautiful day to take practical steps to nurture massive success, and breathtaking beauty in your life.

ARIES: The Taurus Moon is waxing through your fiscal/material sector today, inviting you to nurture your material life, starting with your body, then moving on to finances and possessions. It’s also a gorgeous day to enjoy your senses fully. The Taurus Moon will harmonize with Saturn today, inviting you to embody and manifest your vision. Then tonight she will join up with Jupiter reminding you to think bigger about your material possibilities. Nothing is too good for you!

TAURUS: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your sector of self today, where she harmonizes with Saturn, inviting you to nurture yourself, and spend time with colleagues that share your dreams, and the friends and community that delight you. This evening, Luna will join up with Jupiter, inviting you to think, bigger, and much more adventurously about your possibilities, Your capacity to rise and shine in this world is expanding. Enjoy!

GEMINI: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector today, nurturing, big, beautiful, visions, that it’s time to make a reality. Luna will harmonize with Saturn today, inviting you to be an executive practical dreamer today. Tonight she will join up with Jupiter, reminding you to dream bigger than ever before about your success.

CANCER: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your social sector, where today she harmonizes with Saturn, inviting you to connect with the friends, allies and colleagues, who can help you manifest your dreams. Tonight, Luna connects with massive Jupiter, inspiring you to expand your social network beyond all previous boundaries. Plant seeds of beautiful connection today.

LEO: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your professional sector, nurturing your most beautiful long-term goals, and professional ambitions. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to advance mergers that could expand your success. Tonight, Luna joins up with Jupiter, inviting you to think bigger than ever about your possibilities for success. Follow up with practical action.

VIRGO: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your philosophical sector of publishing, presenting, learning, and travel, inviting you to explore beautiful beliefs and ideas as you advance, gorgeous projects and presentations, especially those that advance your vision. Tonight, Luna joins up with Jupiter, inviting you to think bigger than ever before about all your beautiful possibilities. Plant the seeds of beautiful success today.

LIBRA: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your deepest sector today, nurturing the seeds of your success, self-confidence, and prosperity as she goes. Today she harmonizes with Saturn, inviting you to advance, brilliant, beautiful mergers that could lift your bottom line. Tonight she will join with Jupiter to get you thinking bigger than ever about shared success, shared happiness, and a life of expanding beauty.

SCORPIO: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, nurturing the relationships that you’re committed to, and the dreams and visions that you share. Tonight, Luna will join up with Jupiter, inviting you to think bigger than ever before about your personal success, shared success, and what’s possible for you. Think Big! Think beautiful! Think breathtaking!

SAGITTARIUS: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your work and health sector, inviting you to take constructive action to build the success you desire, especially on the domestic front. Advance those dreams today. This evening, Luna will join up with Jupiter, inviting you to think bigger about your work, your health and your daily life. Think much bigger.

CAPRICORN: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your creative sector, inviting you to advance gorgeous, constructive, creative ideas today, especially those that align with or advance your most gorgeous vision. Tonight Luna will join up with massive Jupiter, inviting you to think bigger about  beautiful, constructive, creative possibilities.

AQUARIUS: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your home sector, inviting you to take beautiful, constructive action to nurture your home life. It’s a gorgeous day to invest in your domestic vision. Tonight, Luna will join up with Jupiter in your home sector, inspiring you to think way bigger and more adventurously about your domestic possibilities.

PISCES: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your mind, nurturing a garden of beautiful ideas for you to cultivate, enjoy and explore. It’s a beautiful day to constructively advance your vision for success, prosperity and delight. Tonight Luna will join up with Jupiter to expand your thinking exponentially about what is possible for you. Open your mind to gorgeous expanding possibilities.