THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY APRIL 26TH: Blessings of the Full Moon in Scorpio to All! Tonight at 11:32 PM EDT, the waxing Moon reaches her highest ebb of the lunar tide with the Full Moon in transformational Scorpio, the sign of ancestors, energy, power, intimacy, shared resources, death and rebirth, bringing all such issues to light. The day begins with Luna cruising through the last degrees of Libra where she goes void at 8:40 AM EDT till 12:18 PM EDT, when she glides into Scorpio in preparation for her Full Moon late tonight. It’s a beautiful afternoon as Luna waxes to fullness, to write intentions regarding all that we want to release, transform, and all that we intend to beautifully manifest or embody in the days and months to come. 

On every Full Moon the Sun and Moon are in exact opposition, inspiring a dynamic balance between two opposite signs that inform one another. The Scorpio Full Moon brings issues of ancestry, power, sexuality, transformation, shared resources and our deepest feelings and emotional patterns to light from the subconscious. The Full Moon is being illuminated by the earthy Taurus Sun who this month is traveling with liberating Uranus, intelligent Mercury, and lovely Venus, all of whom are inspiring a beautiful new relationship to the material world, our self worth, and how we embody ourselves as we transform. 

The Scorpio Full Moon is always one of the most potentially intense Full Moons of the year, presiding as it does over our deepest feelings, most entrenched emotional patterns, and the realm of the shadow. This Full Moon, illuminated by sunlight infused with liberating Uranian energy, offers a greater promise than usual for liberation from deeply entrenched patterns that must be released, so we may enjoy a new freedom to embody our beautiful, valuable, authentic selves. Mars in nurturing Cancer is providing wonderful support to the Scorpio Moon, inspiring us to enjoy relationships that nurture and celebrate our transforming relationship to success. 

In the Full Moon chart cast for Washington DC, the national chart, the chart is Sagittarius rising, inviting us on a journey of discovery of wisdom and truth. The Full Moon is found in the career sector of the chart, illuminating our relationship to worldly success and long term goals, where some empowering changes may be required. The Taurus Sun is in the home sector, while Uranus Venus and Mercury are in the creative sector of the inner child. This line up illuminates how ancestral issues have manifested for good and for ill within our home lives and career. 

Titanic Saturn is squaring off with both the Sun and the Moon from the fiscal sector of the chart, calling us to work diligently both materially and energetically to free ourselves from the emotional patterns that impede our prosperity, professional success, creativity and domestic bliss. There is a Grand Trine in air that provides beautiful mental clarity as we rise above the depths and view our process with some detachment and from a higher perspective. 

Powerful Pluto is in the identity sector of the chart, calling us to step into our executive power and be the CEO’s of our lives and our transformational process. Change is in the air this Full Moon, and s the butterfly knows, though the caterpillar may not, all change is positive. 

Blessings of gorgeous, empowering change to One and All!

With Love, Demitra

To join my Full Moon Zoom Tele seminar with NYC’s Open Center:

ARIES: The Libra Moon heads into Scorpio at 12:18 PM EDT, where she will be Full tonight in your sector of emotional depths intimacy, and mergers, at 11:32 PM EDT, illuminating your deepest feelings, needs and your relationship to your ancestors.The Scorpio Full Moon will be illuminated by the Taurus Sun in your fiscal sector who is traveling with evolutionary Uranus, Venus and Mercury, inspiring quantum leaps in your budding self worth, and your relationship to the material world. The Sun and Moon are both squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring tension within your social life where new boundaries and new alliances support your success.

TAURUS: The Libra Moon heads into Scorpio at 12:18 PM EDT, where she will be Full tonight in your partnership sector at 11:32 PM EDT. The Scorpio Full Moon will be illuminating your deepest feelings about, and needs within business and romantic partnerships. The Scorpio Moon is being illuminated by the Taurus Sun in your sector of self, who is traveling with evolutionary Uranus, Venus and Mercury, inspiring beautiful  quantum leaps within your sense of self, how your embody yourself, and relate to others. The Sun and Moon are both squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius, from your career sector, where new alliances and a disciplined approach to success win the day.

GEMINI: The Libra Moon heads into Scorpio at 12:18 PM EDT, where she will be Full tonight in your sector of work and health at 11:32 PM EDT. The Scorpio Full Moon will be illuminating issues that require healing or new habits to support your mental/emotional empowerment,  physical well being and success at work. The Scorpio Moon is being illuminated by the Taurus Sun in your spiritual sector who is traveling with evolutionary Uranus, Venus and Mercury, inspiring quantum leaps that arise from your spiritual practice and your conscious connection to Source. The Sun and Moon are both squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to seek the support of like minded community who align with your vision for success and your spiritual path.

CANCER: The Libra Moon heads into Scorpio at 12:18 PM EDT, where she will be Full tonight in your creative sector of art, children and recreation at 11:32 PM EDT. The Scorpio Full Moon will be illuminating inner child issues, romantic desires and your powerful creativity. The Scorpio Moon is being illuminated by the Taurus Sun in your social sector who is traveling with evolutionary Uranus, Venus and Mercury, inspiring quantum leaps within your social life that support the empowering changes you are making to live a more joyful life. The Sun and Moon are both squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius, in your depths, that call you to dive deep, with support and seek the inner liberation that sets your heart free.

LEO: The Libra Moon heads into Scorpio at 12:18 PM EDT, where she will be Full tonight in your home and family sector at 11:32 PM EDT. The Scorpio Full Moon will be illuminating ancestral and family patterns that it is time to transform to support your greater empowerment. The Scorpio Moon is being illuminated by the Taurus Sun in your career sector, who is traveling with evolutionary Uranus, Venus and Mercury, inspiring quantum leaps within your career that depend on transformation at your roots. The Sun and Moon are both squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius, in your partnership sector, where a commitment to new authentic partnerships are allowing you to rise and shine as you change.

VIRGO: The Libra Moon heads into Scorpio at 12:18 PM EDT, where she will be Full tonight in your sector of mind, at 11:32 PM EDT. The Scorpio Full Moon will be illuminating mental and emotional patterns that require transformation, along with empowering patterns that it’s a great day to reinforce. The Scorpio Moon is being illuminated by the Taurus Sun in your philosophical publishing sector who is traveling with evolutionary Uranus, Venus and Mercury, inspiring quantum leaps in your beliefs system, understanding and how you express and embody both. The Sun and Moon are both squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius, who requires a disciplined new approach to team work and community support that makes you healthy, wealthy and very wise.

LIBRA: The Libra Moon heads into Scorpio at 12:18 PM EDT, where she will be Full tonight in your fiscal sector at 11:32 PM EDT. The Scorpio Full Moon will be illuminating  your transforming sense of self worth, values and your relationship to your possessions, finances and the material world.The Scorpio Moon is being illuminated by the Taurus Sun in your sector of emotional depths, ancestors and mergers, who is traveling with evolutionary Uranus, Venus and Mercury, inspiring quantum leaps in your relationship to ancestors, intimacy mergers and emotional patterns it is time to release.The Sun and Moon are both squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius, in your sector of art and children, including the inner child where the disciplined focus leads to liberation from the past and new abundance in the future.

SCORPIO: The Libra Moon heads into Scorpio at 12:18 PM EDT, where she will be Full tonight in your sector of self at 11:32 PM EDT. The Scorpio Full Moon will be illuminating all in your sense of self that is beautifully blossoming, by the light of this Full Moon, along with all that requires further empowering transformation. The Scorpio Moon is being illuminated by the Taurus Sun in your partnership sector who is traveling with evolutionary Uranus, Venus and Mercury, inspiring quantum leaps in your entire approach to relationship that allow your authentic self to come forth. The Sun and Moon are both squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius, from your home sector where the disciplined, yet liberating focus needs to be. Free yourself from inner and actual ancestral clutter and thrive.

SAGITTARIUS: The Libra Moon heads into Scorpio at 12:18 PM EDT, where she will be Full tonight in your spiritual sector at 11:32 PM EDT. The Scorpio Full Moon will be illuminating your relationship to Source and to ancestors, where empowering change is underway. The Scorpio Moon is being illuminated by the Taurus Sun in your sector of work and health, who is traveling with evolutionary Uranus, Venus and Mercury, inspiring quantum leaps in your work habits and health practices that support new prosperity and radiant health as you jettison the habits of the past. The Sun and Moon are both squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius, in your sector of mind, where mental discipline and setting boundaries wins the day.

CAPRICORN: The Libra Moon heads into Scorpio at 12:18 PM EDT, where she will be Full tonight in your social sector at 11:32 PM EDT. The Scorpio Full Moon will be illuminating powerful blossoming alliances, along with social patterns you are rapidly outgrowing. The Scorpio Moon is being illuminated by the Taurus Sun in your creative sector of art and children, who is traveling with evolutionary Uranus, Venus and Mercury, inspiring quantum leaps in your creative expression and a new freedom from inner child wounds. The Sun and Moon are both squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius, who requires a disciplined focus on finances and liberating practices that support your self worth.

AQUARIUS: The Libra Moon heads into Scorpio at 12:18 PM EDT, where she will be Full tonight in your career sector of long term goals at 11:32 PM EDT. The Scorpio Full Moon will be illuminating patterns within your public life, career or your capacity to achieve success that require transformation. The Scorpio Moon is being illuminated by the Taurus Sun in your home and family sector who is traveling with evolutionary Uranus, Venus and Mercury, inspiring quantum leaps out of ancestral patterns that it is time to evolve out of, so you can further enjoy your domestic life and career. The Sun and Moon are both squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius, keeping the focus in you, your authentic self and the goals that align with who you really are.

PISCES: The Libra Moon heads into Scorpio at 12:18 PM EDT, where she will be Full tonight in your philosophical sector of higher learning at 11:32 PM EDT. The Scorpio Full Moon will be illuminating your most empowering projects and beliefs, along with belief patterns that are transforming by the Light of the Scorpio Moon. The Scorpio Moon is being illuminated by the Taurus Sun in your sector of mind who is traveling with evolutionary Uranus, Venus and Mercury, inspiring quantum leaps in your thinking, where all liberation truly begins. The Sun and Moon are both squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius, in your spiritual sector, keeping the disciplined focus on your devotional practice and the community that shares your vision.