THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY APRIL 25TH: The Sun, Mercury and Venus all in gorgeous earthy, Venusian, Taurus, continue to inspire our most beautiful, constructive, material efforts, inspiring us to build, embody and create beauty like Mother Nature, who is displaying some of her finest handiwork for all to see. Meanwhile the gracious Moon continues her glide through Libra, a sign also ruled by lovely Venus.

Today the Libra Moon keeps her nurturing focus on the balance, that underlies all beauty and is the fulcrum of all of Nature’s workings. Notice how your in breath is balanced by your out breath. Notice how day is balanced by night. Wherever we look we see the flawless symmetry of the Creator. Celebrate and cultivate that balance, reciprocity and the beauty it brings to all relationships today. Tonight Venus and Mercury merge forces in Taurus, inspiring our most beautiful constructive thinking. Take note of  gorgeous ideas that occur to you this evening. They may be yours to manifest.

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ARIES: The Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Venus in Taurus, keep the spotlight on your material life, inspiring a beautiful time to enjoy the enduring simple pleasures of life, as you nurture your prosperity. Meanwhile the Libra Moon spends another day nurturing your need for fairness and beauty to inform your most important friendships and relationships. Tonight Mercury and Venus merge forces, inspiring beautiful, constructive thinking regarding all you intent to build and manifest.

TAURUS: The Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Venus in Taurus, keep the radiant spotlight on you and your beauty, brilliance and constructive genius. Meanwhile the Libra Moon spends another day nurturing your mental peace and physical poise, along with beautiful collaborations at work. Tonight Mercury and Venus merge forces, inspiring beautiful, constructive thinking regarding yourself and your blossoming possibilities. Delight in exploring and advancing your most beautiful ideas.

GEMINI: The Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and Venus in Taurus, keep the spotlight on your budding enlightenment and the changes it inspires within your relationship to your body and the living temple that is the material world. Meanwhile the Libra Moon spends another day nurturing your most exquisite creative, artistic creations. Tonight Mercury and Venus merge forces, inspiring beautiful, constructive thinking regarding your vision, as Divine Love and Divine Brilliance inspires your thinking.

CANCER: The Sun, Mercury and Venus in Taurus, keep the spotlight on your budding social life, where new blooms require tending and deep rooted trees give shelter.  Meanwhile the Libra Moon spends another day nurturing your home life, inspiring poised beautiful action on the home front. Cultivate reciprocity with family members. Tonight Mercury and Venus merge forces, inspiring beautiful, constructive thinking regarding

LEO: The Sun, Mercury and Venus in Taurus, keep the spotlight on your blossom career that requires further tending. Meanwhile the Libra Moon spends another day nurturing your mental balance while inspiring beautiful ideas to be expressed and shared. Tonight Mercury and Venus merge forces, inspiring beautiful, constructive thinking regarding professional possibilities. Take note of them and act on them straightaway. Steady action wins the day.

VIRGO: The Sun, Mercury and Venus in Taurus, keep the spotlight on your philosophical publishing sector, inspiring another great day to advance gorgeous ideas, projects and presentations. Meanwhile the Libra Moon spends another day nurturing your prosperity by nurturing your most beautiful marketable projects and the partnerships that support them. Tonight Mercury and Venus merge forces, inspiring beautiful, constructive thinking regarding all you can manifest, present and promote. 

LIBRA: The Sun, Mercury and Venus in Taurus, keep the radiant spotlight on your deepest feelings and shared resources where beautiful possibilities abound. Meanwhile the Libra Moon spends another day nurturing you and your sense of beauty, poise and balance. Delight in gorgeous acts of self care. Tonight Mercury and Venus merge forces, inspiring beautiful, constructive thinking regarding your budding self with, your ancestors and your capacity to lovingly deepen with others.

SCORPIO: The Sun, Mercury and Venus in Taurus, keep the spotlight on your partnerships where wonderful professional opportunities and beautiful romantic possibilities are blossoming beneath the springtime Sun. Meanwhile the Libra Moon spends another day nurturing your spiritual practice and the deep peace and unshakable faith it inspires. Tonight Mercury and Venus merge forces, inspiring beautiful, constructive thinking regarding love, partnership and gorgeous collaboration.

SAGITTARIUS: The Sun, Mercury and Venus in Taurus, keep the spotlight on your work sector where beautiful collaborations and constructive efforts are budding and blooming. Meanwhile the Libra Moon spends another day nurturing a variety of gorgeous relationships and creative collaborations.Tonight Mercury and Venus merge forces, inspiring beautiful, constructive thinking regarding work possibilities that manifest beauty and prosperity for all involved.

CAPRICORN: The Sun, Mercury and Venus in Taurus, keep the radiant spotlight on your creativity and your increasingly joyful  relationship to your children. Meanwhile the Libra Moon spends another day nurturing your long term goals and the beautiful relationships that support them. Tonight Mercury and Venus merge forces, inspiring beautiful, constructive thinking regarding your art, your opening heart and the beauty you were born to manifest.

AQUARIUS: The Sun, Mercury and Venus in Taurus, keep the spotlight on your home and family, where beautiful ideas and relationships are blossoming. Meanwhile the Libra Moon spends another day nurturing your higher mind with a balanced, measured approach to philosophical understanding and discourse. Tonight Mercury and Venus merge forces, inspiring beautiful, constructive thinking regarding home, family and all that you treasure most.

PISCES: The Sun, Mercury and Venus in Taurus, keep the spotlight on your increasingly brilliant mind and the ideas you are itching to advance. Meanwhile the Libra Moon spends another day nurturing the depths of your soul with the water of peace, beauty and unshakable balance. Tonight Mercury and Venus merge forces, inspiring beautiful, constructive thinking regarding ideas and collaborations that it is time to advance.