“ A very great vision is needed and the man who has it must       follow it as the eagle seeks the deepest blue of the sky.”

Crazy Horse, Oglala Lakota Sioux (circa 1840-1877)


 “A warrior seeks to act rather than talk”  

 Carlos Castaneda


“ Cause the times they are a changing”

 Bob Dylan


This month we are inspired to awaken and act on our true desires and our collective, unifying vision as the Sun joins evolutionary Uranus in Aries, the sign of the warrior.  Aries, the sign of action is the most daring sign of the zodiac. It is the sign that is built to overcome obstacles and move ahead, come what may. Aries, ruled by Mars, the planet of action, war and strategy, inspires courage, leadership and vision.

Aries rules the eyes, the organs of vision, and is charged with clearly seeing one’s position and one’s goals. Aries is associated with visionary leadership, without which the people perish. Aries assesses the inner or outer battlefield of life, and determines the best strategy in order to achieve victory. Once this strategic assessment occurs, Aries acts. Evolved Aries acts on behalf of the greater good, and uses his considerable strength to protect the weak and the vulnerable. He is also the protector of the Earth and the fertile fields without which the people also perish.

Since 2010 when Uranus, the planet of collective evolution, revolution, and sudden unexpected change, first moved into Aries we have been in the midst of a major collective inner and outer awakening beginning with the Arab Spring. Uranus, the planet of sudden, swift awakening and change, has been awakening the warrior within each of us, as well as quickening our collective evolution though both Higher Consciousness and technology.

In 2012, evolutionary Uranus in Aries, moved into an aspect of major tension with Pluto the planet of power, in Capricorn, the sign of governments, corporations and “the system.” What we are living through now is the worldly manifestation of the intense struggle between entrenched, corrupt and decaying power structures, and a new more liberating system that is fighting to be born.

This struggle began back in the 60’s when these two planets began their astrological dance. At that time they were in conjunction, the aspect of connection and fusion in the sign Virgo, and we saw the birth of the flower children, the civil rights movement, the Peace movement, and the environmental movement. The aspect we are now living through is called a square in astrology. It is a 90 degree aspect of tense inner and outer struggle for evolution and transformation.

The present day incarnation of the 60’s awakening can be seen in the the growing environmental activism of 350.org, Green Peace, The Sierra Club and many Environmental groups, as well as a major uptick in grassroots anti fracking activism.  The Civil Rights movement has evolved into the Black Lives Matter movement, and Michele Alexander’s brilliant framing of the new struggle in her seminal book The New Jim Crow. The sexual revolution has morphed into the LGBT movement which has overturned DOMA and enshrined equal rights for the LGBT community into law. Reverend Kings’s poor people’s movement has evolved into the Occupy Wall Street movement, which in turn has morphed into the Sanders Presidential Campaign which is gaining unprecedented traction at remarkable speed, and could well give birth to a new progressive political party.

Since 2012 and especially in April of 2014 the stakes have become increasingly high as the environment lurches towards collapse. During that time when the planets were forming a Cardinal Grand Cross in the Heavens, I was privileged to hear Chief Arvol Looking Horse in Central Park, NYC. He led us in prayer and said that we were standing at the cross roads, that our planet was in serious trouble, and our actions going forward would determine our fate with regard to life on Mother Earth. Since then Aries, the astrological warrior has been reporting for activist duty worldwide.

This tension between the old order and the new order is also occurring within each of us on a personal level. This month explore your inner evolution and your inner revolution. What old inner tyrants need to be overthrown so that you can step into your true and authentic self. What inner complexes of oppression need to be demolished so you can be who you were always meant to be.

This month access you inner spiritual warrior. Connect with the powerful part of your soul that is strong and unwavering. Who or what did you come here to fight for? Be realistic as you assess your obstacles and the structures of thought, feeling and inner inertia that have held you back. This month the Sun, Uranus and soon Venus, help us to access our Higher Consciousness. Increase your time on the meditation mat. Turn off your television. Dare to be with your most difficult feelings. If we want an awakened world, we must awaken individually, then act accordingly.

This month may we act together on behalf of humanity and our beloved Mother Earth.

Blessings To All,



THE SUN entered Aries, the sign of action on March 20th, the vernal equinox when the portal of Light opens and the day force begins to slowly overtake the night force. The Sun will be cruising through Aries, where it Joins Mighty Uranus, the powerful planet of awakening and evolution and sudden change. Uranus has been in Aries since 2010.  Snooze time is over this month as the Sun and Uranus in Aries challenge us to rise and shine! Do inner battle with whatever is holding you back from your authentic expression and your true calling. Make war un resistance, clutter and inertia. Call on your inner warrior to get your life ship shape!

The NEW MOON in ARIES occurs on April 7th. This is the first New Moon of the astrological year and starts us on a new evolutionary cycle of action that is aligned with our true vision and a vision of Unity with the web of life. There is a beautiful healing compassionate aspect to this New Moon. Keep Dreaming up your optimal Vision for your life, and join us on April 7th as we set intentions for this powerful, visionary action taking New Moon. To register click here:

MERCURY, the planet of communication, begins the month in the last degrees of Aries inspiring strategic planning and daring thought and action till April 5Th when it enters constructive fertile Taurus. It’s a great month for fertile planning. Gardening, building and fiscal planning are especially productive this month. MERCURY will station RETROGRADE on April 28th at the 23rd degree of Taurus. It will journey backward through Taurus till May 22ND when it goes direct at the 15th degree of Taurus. Revise rethink and reconsider your fiscal plans, values and all that you hope to plant and build.

Use the retrograde to reflect on your values and finances. Explore what is most important to you, and your self esteem. Taurus retrograde asks us to reconsider our relationship to Mother Earth, upon whom all our lives depend. We will begin to feel the retrograde on Aril 17th.

VENUS begins the month in Visionary empathic Pisces, where she continues to awaken our Higher Love. Begin the month with a Vision of Unity. Send Love to all creatures great and small. Send Blessings to All. On April 5th Venus moves into Aries, and it is time to take action to fulfill our beautiful Visions. Act on your love. Stand up lovingly and non violently on behalf of the powerless. Do what you love. Express your love. Love is an action word.

MARS, the planet of action, continues his journey through Sagittarius. The battle is a philosophical one this month. On the 17th Mars goes retrograde and we are reconsidering our ideas and philosophies regarding business and government and all executive matters. MARS will be joining SATURN, already retrograde in Sagittarius. Expect to see some major reversals on the executive front. There could also be election recounts or entire re dos as the executive planet moves backwards. Revise your business plan this month. It’s a great month for rewrites, rethinks and general reflection about life, business and your overall philosophy.

JUPITER is retrograde all month in environmental Virgo, the sign of healing, cleanliness and service. It’s a great month to get healthy. Explore organic food, supplements and cleaning supplies. Explore new approaches to life, food and business that do not hurt our planet. Take action on behalf of your health. Grow your business by taking many little actions that add up to a mighty leap. As you focus on Service your life expands beyond your wildest dreams.

Mighty URANUS, our cosmic alarm clock continues to awaken us to all that we have been snoozing through. Be the spiritual warrior you want to see in the world Take action on behalf of your authentic self and your true calling. This month take action for those who need your strength.

NEPTUNE: Mighty Neptune and CHIRON the healer continue to broadcast compassion, unity and reverence for all life forms. Broaden your vision to include a loving approach to our world and all its amazing beings. Tune in to the highest frequency once a day through your spiritual practice. Learn about what is happening to our water supply. Be part of the growing chorus of voices calling for action on Fukushima, Indian Point, Miami Dade and the Bikini Islands…all leaking radiation. Learn about Fracking and what it does to your water supply. Send prayers to Seas…Send Blessings to the Rivers.

PLUTO the transformer continues its journey through Capricorn, revealing the very darkest actions of governments and corporations worldwide. We are witnessing the very darkest incarnations on governments and corporations. We are also witnessing the beautiful new transcendent possibilities as new paradigms, candidates and businesses appear worldwide with a beautiful new vision. PlUTO will also go retrograde this month, inspiring us to deeply reflect on issues of power, government and corporate ethics. Shadowy behavior by government officials may be revealed at this time. Learn about the nuts and bolts of the global monetary system. Explore new ideas and paradigms of banking, business and government. Another World is Possible as we awaken!


ARIES: Happy Birthday Aries! The Month begins with the Sun, Mercury and Uranus moving through your sign giving you extra vitality and get up and go! It’s a great month to begin actualizing the vision you began dreaming up last month. In fact Neptune and Chiron in visionary Pisces will continue to inspire you all month. The New Moon in Aries on April 7th will begin a wonderful new cycle of  change and visionary action. You have been changing and evolving for the past five years, this new moon marks a new cycle as you step into a higher level of consciousness and embody your true self. It’s a great month to explore new approaches to work and health especially after the New Moon. This year you are evolving at the speed of light. Say yes to your authentic self. Explore wonderful new approaches to fiscal abundance. Your self esteem is growing along with your finances this year. It may be time to resurrect a writing, promotional or creative project that is ready to resurface. Your connection to nature and your body is evolving. It’s a great month to enjoy your senses and the great outdoors. Mercury will be turning retrograde in your fiscal sector late in the month on the 28th, inspiring a review and recalibration of your finances and all that you seek to plant and build in the coming months. Be careful and reflective as you proceed with your inspiring vision. Be the humanitarian peaceful warrior you want to see in the world!

TAURUS: You are in the midst of a beautiful spiritual awakening this month. The Sun and Uranus are moving through your spiritual sector inspiring a spiritual evolutionary leap. This month your connection to stillness and Source is the most important connection to actively cultivate. As you become more present, your thinking and relationships clarify. The first 4 days of the month are great for deep mediation on your goals and actions you wish to take. On the 5th, Mercury, the planet of communication enters your sign and you are inspired to contemplate your sense of self and all your relationships. By April 17th you will begin to feel Mercury’s upcoming retrograde through your sign, which officially begins on the 28th. May will be a deep reflection on your sense of self and self worth as you reflect on your important and intimate relationships. Saturn will be moving backward through your sector of intimacy and shared wealth all month. On the 17th Mars the planet of action also moves retrograde and it is time to be still and reflect on all fiscal and intimate arrangements. Your are reflecting on everything this month. Allow yourself to be in a period of reflective and productive discovery. If life is a garden….What do you most wish to plant….and with whom?

GEMINI: This month the joyful solar spotlight is on your changing and evolving social network. Enjoy a whole new level of networking. Technology is your friend as you exponentially increase your reach. You are in the midst of a major and weighty reflection on business and personal partnerships. Saturn has been moving backwards through your partnerships sector inspiring major reversals on that front. On the 17th Mars the planet of action will also move backwards in that sector inspiring an about face on relationship actions that have been moving forward. It’s time to pull in and reconsider partnerships and alliances. Examine the structures of all your relationships. Explore how time, money and other resources are structured and shared. On the business front it looks like something needs to be renegotiated to restructured. These reflections lead up to Mercury’s retrograde on the 28th. When Mercury, your ruling planet moves retrograde it is time for you to get quiet and rethink. This retrograde will be in your spiritual sector in earthy Taurus, the sign of self worth. This retrograde begins a deep rumination on your values and sense of self worth. Explore how your self esteem may be driving other decisions and relationships. You deserve love, respect and reciprocity. Don’t settle for less.

CANCER: This Month your career truly begins to evolve. You have more than the usual amount of professional charisma this month as the dazzling Sun shines in your career sector. You are thinking outside the box, in brilliant and inventive new ways. The New Moon on the 7th begins a brilliant new approach to your career. Technology is your friend as you use its liberating power to expand the scope of your ambition. Saturn is moving backwards through your work sector, inspiring a reflection on nuts and bolts of your daily life and daily work. Projects involving travel and broad philosophical approaches are being considered and reconsidered. On the 17th Mars, the planet of action, also turns retrograde in this sector. It’s time to reexamine your health routines, and the nuts and bolts of work projects or both. On April 28th, Mercury begins its retrograde through Taurus and your social network. This begins a three week period that ends on the 22nd during which you reflect on your social and professional network. During this time reflect on friends and professional contacts that you would like to reconnect with. Give serious thought as to how to grow your network and your audience. Nurture the friendships that value and nurture you.

LEO: The Sun is shining in your house of publishing, presenting and promoting this month, inspiring you to explore a new evolutionary approach to all three. This is a wonderful time to explore Higher Learning and liberating philosophies and practices. If you are a writer, teacher or performer move your cherished projects forward by leaps, bounds, and light years. Consult with tech support to make sure that you are optimizing your use of technology. Saturn is already moving retrograde through your creative sector inspiring you to resurrect cherished creative projects. It may be that you have a wonderful project on your hands that needs more aggressive promotion. On the 17th Mars, the planet of action begins to move retrograde in your art sector and it is time for a creative about face. You may need to move in an entirely different creative direction, or it may be that creative opportunities resurface. You may choose to resurrect a cherished project. Mercury will be retrograding your career sector beginning on the 28th, though you may feel this influence by the 17th. Your reflection on your creativity and promotional activities result in a reconsideration of your approach to career and your long term goals that will continue till May 22nd. This could be a very productive time to revamp your career so it is more fertile and lucrative.

VIRGO: The Sun is shining in your house of shared wealth and collaborative effort. This month through sharing and technological innovation you take a mighty evolutionary leap. Explore crowd funding and sharing resources with others. It has been said that “many hands make light work.” This month for you they also make great wealth. Saturn has been moving backward requiring a reflection at your roots. This month on the 17th Mars also goes retrograde in this sector. It is important to reconnect with your roots. You may need to restructure things on the home front. Your foundation requires your attention. Explore issues of finance, fairness, and respect. Numbers don’t lie. Explore how things are being shared and divided. Mighty Neptune and Chiron continue to inspire you with a healing vision to share with others. Wonderful creative partnerships are afoot. On the 28th Mercury, your ruling planet goes retrograde in Taurus, in your philosophical sector and it is time to reflect on your fiscal and environmental philosophy. This may also be a time to revisit fiscal matters, Reflect on your values and how to communicate them. It may be a good time for rest and relaxation, as you rewrite your mission statement.

LIBRA: The Sun joins evolutionary Uranus in your partnership sector this month, inspiring beautiful changes on this front. You are the sign of marriage and beautiful reciprocal partnerships. You have been changing, and the Universe has been taking note. Venus, your ruling planet will be entering your partnership sector on April 5th. Be open to beautiful, conscious business and personal partnerships that can elevate your life and further your professional reach. Keep an eye open for techno wizards you complement your beautiful talents. Saturn, the weighty planet of long term goals and responsibility has been moving retrograde though your communication sector inspiring a deep rumination about your long term goals and issues of responsibility and respect. On the 17th Mars, the planet of action, desire and your planetary consort will also begin moving retrograde through this sector. It is time to reflect on all matters of communication professional and otherwise. This is a great time to reflect on writing projects and your overall message. It’s a great time to resurrect communication projects that you may have buried long ago. On the 28th Mercury the planet of Communication begins a 3 week retrograde journey through your fiscal sector and it is time to reconsider fiscal plans. Develop a fiscal plan that really takes care of you. Cultivate wealth on all levels as you reflect on the seeds to your prosperity.

SCORPIO: The Sun and Uranus are in your work and health sector this month helping you transform your approach to both. Explore how technology can help you do your job. This month you can take an evolutionary leap when it comes to creating order and organization in your home, and work environment. This month your work opportunities improve as you focus on the details of your craft and how your skill can best serve your clientele or audience. Lovely Venus will be entering your work sector on the 5th, inspiring you to love what you do and view it as an art form. Saturn has been moving retrograde through your fiscal sector inspiring you to reflect on and revisit how you make your money. This month on the 17th, Mars, your ruling planet also goes retrograde in Sagittarius and it’s time time review your entire approach to income generation. You may need to change what you are doing or how you are doing it as your values shift. Streams of income from the past may return at this time. On the 28th, Mercury will go retrograde in your house of partnership, and it’s time to reflect on business and personal partnerships. Old relationships or past partners may resurface at this time. Use the time from April 28th till May 22nd as a relationship retrospective. Release yourself from the ghosts of relationship past so you can be available for the possibility of a present, equal, high self esteem partnership with mutuality and bliss for all.

SAGITTARIUS: The Sun and evolutionary Uranus are shining in your creative sector, soon to be joined by lovely Venus on the 5th. This month the lightening bolt of inspiration strikes your creativity. Be prepared to harness your creative genius, by making time for art everyday! This is a month to feed your inner artist inspiration by the bucketful. Everyday watch, read and view that which most excites and delights you. Let your creative input match your creative output. You are in the midst of a major personal reflection regarding your life and your career. Using time as your advisor, what projects and pastimes are most important to you? What in your approach to your career needs a structural overhaul. Mars, the planet of desire and action is moving forward in your sign inspiring you to act on your own behalf. On the 17th Mars also begins to move retrograde in your sign and it is time to rethink your actions. Take time to pause and rethink both your desires and how you act on them. You may need to revisit professional issues or conflicts from the past. This is a great time to strategize and recalibrate your actions. On the 28th Mercury, the planet of communication moves retrograde in your spiritual sector, inspiring you to reconnect with the Source. This month bring the Heavens to your earthly concerns. Meditate on how to manifest the Divine Will in your material world.

CAPRICORN: The Sun is shining in your home sector along with Uranus, the planet of change, illuminating issues of home and family that are ripe for evolution. On the 5th lovely Venus joins this powerful lineup and it’s time to actively create beauty and establish love in the altar of your home. You have been changing way deep down. Ancient ancestral longings and liberating traditions may be awakening within you this month. Saturn, your ruling planet continues its retrograde journey through your spiritual sector inspiring you to do the same. Look backward angel, and reconnect with the philosophies, and spiritual wisdom paths that feed your soul and inspire your career. Mars, the planet of action and desire is also moving through your spiritual sector. On the 17th it too begins to move retrograde and its time for a personal and professional vision quest. Look back and explore what in your life, business plan and long term goals needs an overhaul. On the 28th Mercury joins the retrograde planetary chorus, though in Taurus, inspiring a creative and sensual reflection that may involve beauty, finance, values and product. The retrograde ends May 22nd.

AQUARIUS: The Sun is blazing in your communication sector this month along with evolutionary Uranus, the sign of inspired genius and the Higher Mind. This is a month to harness the lightening of your best ideas. You may experience many a eureka moment, which in modern greek means I found it! This month you find the answers, solutions and insights which you are then able to communicate so that many can enjoy your revealed truth. On the 5th lovely Venus joins the line up in your communication sector and the planetary Muse of Artful Beauty bestows her gifts on your tongue and pen. Temper your electrifying, awakening message with beautiful and moving diplomacy. Saturn, your ruling planet is moving retrograde through your social sector inspiring a professional restructuring on this front. Your professional success looks tied to how effectively you can expand your following and professional contacts. Mars, the planet of action is also moving through your social network fueling you with plenty of energy to socialize and fight for cherished causes. On the 17th Mars retrogrades in this sector and it is time to reflect on your course on the social front. During this time old friends may resurface. Your approach to networking requires revision. On the 28th Mercury retrogrades in your home sector and it is time to reflect on home, roots and your deepest sense of stability. How did your upbringing affect your ability to succeed?

PISCES: The Sun is shining in your fiscal sector along with Uranus, the planet of change. Your self esteem is growing by leaps and bounds. Your bank account will soon begin to reflect these changes. Lovely Venus, the planet of Beauty and Love will also be entering this sector on the 5th. It’s a great month to create beautiful new streams of income. Nurture relationships that are delightful and could be mutually lucrative. Designate April as militant self care month. Treat yourself the way you want the Universe to treat you. Action speak louder than words…especially to your subconscious, treat yourself accordingly. On the professional front Saturn, the executive planet, has just retrograded in your career sector inspiring a weighty reflection on how to restructure your career goals and projects. Mars, the planet of action is also moving through your career sector giving you plenty of energy to devote to professional goals. On the 17th Mars also turns retrograde and it is time to rethink, revise and revisit professional ideas and projects. It’s a good time for a professional retreat. Pull in and take time to reflect on your vision. Pull in and do what you feel inspired to do in order to go where you have yet to go professionally. On the 28th Mercury, the planet of communication moves retrograde in your communication sector and it is time to revisit communication projects. From the 28th till May 22nd be mindful in all communication. Rewrite, rethink, revise, recharge.